We work with Dentists
Many patients regard all dental treatment, and especially surgical procedures, as potentially painful and stressful and even simple oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures can become challenging when the patient has a high degree of fear and anxiety.
Reactions range from ‘normal’ apprehension, through various degrees of anxiety to irrational fear or even phobia. The adverse physiological effects of these psychological responses can increase the risk of treatment and should be controlled. This is particularly important for patients suffering from medical conditions which are made worse by fear.
Many maxillofacial procedures can be performed in office - without hospitalisation - by sedating patients sufficiently. Some of these include simple oral surgery procedures and more involved procedures such as removal of wisdom teeth and placement of dental implants.
Conscious sedation is considered to be an integral element of the control of pain and anxiety. In other words, conscious sedation is an important aspect of the modern practice of dentistry.